A Task Force led by SCMR past-President Dr. Victor Ferrari is working to revise the SCMR training guidelines. These guidelines, last updated in 2007, define the training requirements for Level 1, 2, and 3 competency in CMR. One of the goals of the task force is to make CMR training and certification more accessible to physicians who have already completed medical training. The first step in this process was a revision of the Level 1 training requirements (click here to view newly revised Level 1 guidelines); Level 1 competency represents knowledge of the indications for and capabilities of CMR, but not to the extent that is sufficient for independent practice and clinical interpretation. This level of CMR knowledge is strongly recommended for all cardiologists (adult and pediatric) and radiologists, and provides essential knowledge for referring physicians such as internists, cardiac surgeons, and vascular surgeons, among others. The new requirements now define two tracks; Track A intended for fellows in training, and Track B designed for those who have completed medical training. While Track A closely follows the existing definition for Level I training and requires 1 month of exposure to CMR, typically during fellowship or residency training, the new Track B can be completed within a properly designed 2-day training course, provided that a required list of topics are covered. This new Track B is expected to provide greater opportunity for physicians in practice, and those training at institutions without access to CMR, to gain a basic understanding of the appropriate indications, and the clinical information that CMR can provide. Also new is that the SCMR will now provide a Level 1 Certificate to all those who submit the required documentation of training.
The first SCMR workshop designed to meet the new Level 1 requirements will be offered the weekend of December 2 – 3 in Bethesda Maryland, under the direction of Dr. Patricia Bandettini. The workshop will provide a mix of didactic lectures and interactive case review sessions taught by an outstanding group of faculty. More information on the workshop is available here. The Level 1 track being offered at the upcoming CMR 2018 meeting in Barcelona will also satisfy the Track B requirements.
The task force is now in the process of reviewing and revising the training requirements for Levels 2 and 3, which will include the incorporation of the CMR Certification Exam currently under development. The task force includes members with experience in developing CMR training guidelines for the EACVI, the ACC, and the ESCR, with the intention of maintaining alignment with these organizations. Stay tuned for more information as the task force completes this important work, with the expected end result being the publication of a revised set of training guidelines in the near future.