Immediate Past President
Sven Plein, MD, PhD
University of Leeds – Leeds, UK
Sven Plein, MD, PhD, is a British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiovascular Imaging at the University of Leeds, UK, where he leads the Department of Biomedical Imaging Science. Together with his multidisciplinary research group, he has published over 250 original papers, position papers and review articles in CMR with a focus on ischaemic heart disease and heart failure. Sven also practices as a Consultant Cardiologist at Leeds Teaching Hospitals and leads a busy clinical CMR service. Sven has been active in the field of CMR and has been an SCMR member for almost 20 years. He was a member of the board of Trustees of the SCMR from 2010 – 2013 and programme chair of the 2011 joint SCMR/EuroCMR scientific sessions in Nice. Later he served as Chairman of the Working Group on CMR of the European Society of Cardiology and Vice-president of the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging. A main focus of Sven’s societal work has been education and training. He has initiated and led the European CMR certification process and the CMR exam, created the CMR pocket guides and a free CMR mobile App, he is editor of several CMR textbooks, most recently the new EACVI Textbook on CMR and has served as a member of the editorial board of JCMR and is Senior Associate Editor of European Heart Journal – Cardiovascular Imaging. Sven will use his experience in societal leadership and expertise in CMR to strengthen links between CMR experts from all geographical locations, specialties and backgrounds and to further enhance the standing of SCMR in the global imaging market place.