Cost Effectiveness Research


The Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) is excited to introduce a new grant program dedicated to supporting research in cost-effectiveness within cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR). This program aims to provide financial backing to researchers actively engaged with the SCMR Registry, fostering research that advances our understanding of cost-effectiveness in CMR and its impact on patient care.


The primary objective of this grant program is to promote research projects specifically focused on cost-effectiveness in CMR, making use of the SCMR Registry resource. The program encourages innovative research that generates crucial evidence regarding the role of CMR in managing patients with cardiovascular disease.


To qualify for this grant, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be a current member of the SCMR.
  2. Actively participating in the SCMR Registry.
  3. Have access to the SCMR registry infrastructure. Collaborative applications from researchers needing access to this infrastructure are encouraged.

Award Amount:

A single cost-effectiveness grant, with up to $20,000 funding, will be awarded annually.

Submission Deadlines:

The SCMR Cost Effectiveness Grant Submission Site will close on July 31st at 1:00 pm US Eastern Time. Please note that the submission deadline will not be extended.

Submission Guidelines:

Applicants are encouraged to clearly outline how their research proposals address critical gaps in evidence related to the cost-effectiveness of CMR in clinical practice.

  1. A cover letter (1-page maximum) from the applicant describing their employment position and how the cost-effectiveness grant funds will be utilized, including a justification of how the award will positively impact the project by covering essential costs not otherwise funded.
  2. Biosketch (CV) of the applicant in NIH or equivalent format (4-page maximum).
  3. Research plan (3 pages maximum): A comprehensive description of the cost-effectiveness research project, including specific aims, significance, current knowledge/preliminary data, and approach. The application should also include a timeline and expected outcomes for a one-year project. This plan should clearly articulate how the project addresses current evidence gaps in the cost-effectiveness of CMR.
  4. A detailed budget justification (1/2-page maximum) should be provided. The award funds cannot be used for personal salary support or facilities & administrative costs. Eligible budget items include, but are not limited to:
    1. Support for research staff (data collection, data entry, biostatistical support, etc.) Note that this grant mechanism will not cover PI salary.
    2. Computing resources for analysis and securing cloud space for data storage.
    3. Publication costs.
  5. Describe any potential conflicts of interest (1/2 page maximum).
  6. All application items should be consolidated into one PDF for submission.
  7. Please send your application to with the Subject heading: Cost Effectiveness Research Application

Peer Review Criteria:

Grant applications will undergo review by the Science Committee, which will recommend the award recipient to the Executive Committee for approval.

  1. Criterion 1 – Applicant (30%)
    1. Academic accomplishments (publications, awards, grants).
    2. History of involvement with SCMR.
  2. Criterion 2 – Research Plan (70%)
    1. Significance.
    2. Innovation.
    3. Scientific rigor & study design.
    4. Environment (institutional resources, patient volume).

Award Process:

  • The winner(s) will be announced at the Awards Ceremony during the SCMR Annual Scientific Sessions, with a project start date of March 1st of the same year, and will be featured in the SCMR Newsletter.
  • Winners will be invited to present the results of their work in the next two SCMR Annual Scientific Sessions.
  • The recipients will be offered one (1) complimentary registration to the Annual Scientific Sessions of the year in which they received the award, and one (1) complimentary hotel night stay.

Awardee’s Responsibilities:

  • A Progress Report must be submitted at the end of one year.
  • The Progress Report must include a detailed summary of project costs and a description of the progress toward the proposed research aims.
  • The investigator will be invited to submit the results of the research project for presentation at the SCMR Annual Scientific Sessions.
  • Upon readiness for publication, the award recipients are encouraged to submit their work to JCMR, where it will undergo the usual peer review process.
  • The award recipients should acknowledge the SCMR Cost Effectiveness Grant Award in all abstracts and manuscripts resulting from the award.
  • Successful investigators whose SCMR Cost Effectiveness Grant results in subsequent national or governmental funding will be invited to present their progress at the SCMR Annual Scientific Sessions.

For any inquiries or clarifications regarding the SCMR Cost Effectiveness Grant, please contact SCMR HQ.

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