SCMR Advanced CMR Course

SCMR Advanced CMR Course Hong Kong

  • Dates: 2-5 April 2025
  • Venue: William M,W. Mong Block, Faculty of Medicine Building, 21 Sassoon Road, The University ofHongKong,HongKong SAR, China
  • Course Chair: Dr Ming-Yen Ng

    Chair of the SCMR Education Committee; Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China; SCMR level 3 accredited

  • Course Co-Chair: Prof Vanessa Ferreira

    SCMR Vice President (2025-2026); Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, Oxford Centre for Clinical Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; SCMR level 3 accredited

SCMR is excited to announce a new format of advanced CMR workshops led by an international Faculty of the SCMR! Are you looking to go beyond level 1 training and become a competent CMR practitioner?

These advanced workshops are designed to prepare you to become an independent practitioner and go beyond interpreting scans! In addition, to going through ~100 cases, there will live scanning at the scanning sites, advice on setting up of CMR services and direct mentorship from an expert Faculty.

Course Objectives:

  1. Learn cardiac MR acquisition and sequences via didactic lectures and hands-on scanning.
  2. Learn indications, post-processing, analysis and reporting of cases via didactic lectures and hands-on experience.
  3. Exposure to 100 cases which will include, cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, aortopathy, valvular heart disease, pericardial disease, cardiac masses and congenital heart disease (faculty-led review of 30-35 cases per day on Days 1-3)
  4. Mentorship by CMR experts in learning how to set up a CMR service, undertaking research and keeping up to date with CMR developments.


  • Radiologists, cardiologists and other health care professionals aiming to learn more advanced applications of CMR for the assessment of cardiovascular disease.
  • Radiology, cardiology and medical residents aiming to increase their CMR exposure and eventually obtain level 2 and 3 accreditation.
  • Paediatric and congenital heart disease specialists and trainees aiming to learn the clinical utility of CMR
  • MRI technologists/ radiographers and allied health care professionals wishing to better understand the clinical utility of CMR
  • MRI scientists wishing to better understand the clinical translation and applicability of CMR

At the end of the course, attendees will be eligible for Level 1 SCMR accreditation and certification can be used towards application of level 2 SCMR accreditation.


English speaking tutors are available in the workshop.


    Registration is now closed. We have reached the maximum number of available seats.

    Registration fees
    SCMR Member
        High-income GDP region (member only)USD$2,000
       Upper-Middle GDP region (member only)USD$850
       Medium-Low or Low GDP region (member only)USD$200
    Non SCMR MemberUSD$2,500
    Trainee SCMR Member (residents, fellows)USD$850
    Trainee non-Member (residents, fellows)USD$950



    The workshop takes places at the University of Hong Kong Medical School campus which is located in the Pokfulam area with many buses leading to the medical campus.

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