Help Shape the SCMR Scientific Sessions 2020: Propose a Session!

The Program Committee for the 23rd Scientific Sessions in Orlando invites you to propose a session to be held during the 2020 Scientific Sessions. We have reserved 2 sessions, one 45 minutes and the other 85 minutes in duration, which will be initiated and designed by SCMR members. Each submission will be reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Overall quality and anticipated interest during the meeting.
  •  Compatibility with the remainder of the program.
  •  Unique and out-of-the-box ideas for format and content are welcomed.
  •  Diversity of presenters: Applicants are encouraged to include presenters of diverse genders, nationalities, and professional backgrounds.
  •  While you are allowed to nominate yourself or a colleague from your institution as a speaker or moderator you are encouraged to preferentially suggest participants from other institutions.

Please include the following information with your submission(s):

  • Title of proposed session
  •  Session length (either 45 or 85 minutes)
  •  Title and brief description of each presentation
  •  Name(s), email address(es), and affiliation(s) of organizer(s) – maximum of 2
  •  Brief paragraph describing the timeliness and importance of the topic and the learning objectives
  •  Description of the session format
  •  Names, e-mail addresses, and affiliations for all suggested presenters. You do not need to obtain agreement from suggested presenters ahead of time
  •  Suggestions for moderators are not mandatory. However, you may suggest session moderators if these individuals are particularly suited to moderate your sessions or instrumental for its success

You may propose more than one session. Submit your suggestion no later than Sunday, April 7th.

We are looking forward to receiving your proposals!

Submission is now closed. Thanks for submitting and save the date!

Lars Grosse-Wortmann

Program Chair for SCMR 2020 on behalf of the Program Committee

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