As many of you are aware, February is American Heart Month, sponsored annually by the American Heart Association. In an effort to promote the importance of both the month and cardiac health awareness and the value of CMR, SCMR has distributed a press release. In it, the benefits of CMR and how it is used is explained and defined. We strongly encourage you to share this with your institution’s marketing and communications department so that they too can promote these valuable messages to their audiences. If the department chooses to promote the release and has questions pertaining to it and its distribution, please direct them to the Society’s Marketing and Communications Manager, Lauren Schoener-Gaynor at
Promoting SCMR to both internal and external audiences is a strategic initiative that we will be focusing on this year. By engaging your own marketing and communications department’s, you can further promote the messages of SCMR, the importance of CMR as well as the specialties our membership represents. You will also notice the addition of a Press page on our website that will be solely dedicated to press releases and our announcements.
Thank you for your support of SCMR and for helping to advance the field of CMR.