NewsBeat Newsletter

NewsBeat - Official e-Newsletter of the SCMR

SCMR NewsBeat


November 28Latest CMR Research, Leadership Academy, Grant Opportunities, SCMR 2025 Early Registration
October 31Book SCMR2025, MICCAI-SCMR Joint Workshop, Outcomes Research Grant, Featured CMR Center
September 26Register for #SCMR2025, Board Nomination, New Webinars, New Funding Opportunity
August 29Stress CMR Workshop, SCMR 28th Annual Meeting – CMR Innovation Submissions
July 26Workshops, Level 1.5 Course,, CMR Around the World
June 27Multiple CMR Educational Opportunities, Financially Viable CMR Webinar
May 30Mid Year Meetings, HCM Guideline, SCMR Grants
April 25NewsBeat Update, Mid Year Meeting in Chicago, Hands-On Workshop in DC.
March 28New SCMR Website, Onine Board Review, SCMR Registry Update
February 15Message from the New President
January 4President’s Message, CMR2024, SCMR Leadership Academy


November 30CMR2024, JCMR on the Move, New Training Fellowship Program
October 27Global SCMR Expansion Plan: Increasing Access to CMR
September 28SCMR DEI Task Force, US Advocacy Successful Billing Campaign
August 31SCMR Updated Strategic Plan
July 27Cases of SCMR has returned
June 29SCMR Earns Admission to AMA House of Delegates
May 25Update from Education Committee
April 27Update from Registry Committee
March 30PR Committee Updates, ACC Wrap-up
March 16CBCMR Review Course, and Mid-Year Meetings
February 24A message from President Karen Ordovas, MD
January 19#SCMR23 is all systems go!
January 6Don’t Miss Out on #SCMR23

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