Gold Medal Award

The Gold Medal is awarded by the SCMR to an individual for distinguished and extraordinary service to the field of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance and to the Society. This highest form of recognition by the SCMR is intended to be given to individuals who have both made outstanding contributions to the field of CMR as well as provided exemplary service to the SCMR.

However, in exceptional circumstances where a truly game-changing contribution to the field can be attributed to an individual, or to a physician-scientist pair, the award may be based on this contribution to the field alone without that individual having provided significant service to the Society.

Significant service would include, for example, having served as President, Program Chair, JCMR Editor, Committee Chair, Board of Trustees Member, or in other ways contributed substantially to the mission of the SCMR. A game-changing contribution to the field would be defined as one that fundamentally changes the field, examples being cine imaging, first pass perfusion or late gadolinium enhancement.


  1. The SCMR Gold Medal Award will be presented at the Annual Meeting by the President of the Society on behalf of the Board of Trustees.
  2. Solicitations for nominations are to be distributed to the membership via email communication, and appear on the SCMR Website.
  3. Nominations are submitted by any member of the SCMR, providing in detail the nominee’s qualifications for the award, and accompanied by a current curriculum vitae of the nominee. In addition, there must be letters of support for the nominee from at least three sponsoring SCMR members. The primary nominator is responsible for initiating the submission of letters of support.
  4. Nominees are required to be current, or past, members of SCMR in good standing.
  5. An individual member of SCMR can act only once each year as primary nominator or sponsor, (i.e., an individual member cannot be primary nominator for one nominee and sponsor for another, or act in either capacity for more than one individual each year.)
  6. Individuals nominated by the membership will be considered for the award for three consecutive years without having to be nominated again. If after three years they have not been selected for the award, they can be nominated again by the membership.
  7. The Chair of the SCMR Gold Medal Committee shall be appointed annually by the sitting president of the SCMR.The committee shall be comprised of additional members selected annually by the committee chair from the elected officers, board of trustees, and membership at large, subject to the approval of the SCMR Executive Committee. The committee members shall be representative of the diversity of the SCMR membership (i.e. Cardiology, Radiology, Basic Science, geographical). The committee should also include previous award recipients who have remained active in the field/society.
  8. The SCMR Gold Medal Award Committee will typically select and recommend a single nominee most deserving of the award each year. If there are two individuals who are judged to be of truly equal merit, then two nominees may be selected by the Committee.
  9. The nominees are typically selected from those names suggested by the membership; however, if the committee decides that another person is more deserving of the award, the committee is free to nominate anyone who meets the criteria for the award. The method of voting and establishing the order of preference shall be at the discretion of the SCMR Awards Committee.
  10. The nominated candidates are reviewed and evaluated by the SCMR Award Committee which recommends finalist to the SCMR executive committee for final approval.
  11. Current elected officers and members of the Board of Trustees, and members of the SCMR Awards Committee are ineligible for the Gold Medal nomination, and cannot nominate or write supporting letters for a Gold Medal nominee.
  12. Recipient is notified of award by the President. One or two of the nominators will present the award during the Scientific Sessions award ceremony.
  13. Gold Medal Award recipients receive free lifetime SCMR membership.
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