Application Process

An annual call for applications is anticipated with details published in due course. It is anticipated that each year five members indicating interest through the application process below will be selected to include 1 adult cardiologist, 1 radiologist, 1 imager focused on congenital/pediatric imaging, 1 physicist/scientist and 1 technologist.

Application Requirements (subject to change)

Applications must comprise of:


  • Member of SCMR in good standing for at least two consecutive years (early – mid career preferred), FSCMR preferred but not required.
  • Level 3 CMR verification or equivalent when applicable
  • Documentation of ongoing strong commitment to the field of CMR
  • Documentation of ongoing Commitment to the SCMR, Prior and current involvement in the society and volunteer activities for SCMR
  • Letter of nomination from current or past SCMR president, current or past SCMR board members or current and/or past SCMR committee chair

Selection Process

The leadership academy oversight committee comprised of present and past leaders of SCMR will evaluate all applications.

Each panelist will rate each application according to the criteria below.

 Grade on a scale of 0-10 points, with scores reflecting:

  • Commitment to the SCMR, Prior and current involvement in the society and volunteer activities for SCMR
  • Commitment to the field of CMR
  • Letter of intent and vision as the SCMR leadership academy participant

As in any society initiative, geographical, gender and background training diversity will be considered in the selection of candidates.

Expectation from the participants

  • Participants will be expected to attend >=80% of sessions, in person or virtual.
  • Participants will be required to review educational modules in advance of each session.
  • Participants will be expected to complete a capstone project focused on societal growth and aligned with societal vision.
  • Participants will be required to attend the SCMR annual scientific session for the two years.
  • Participants will be expected to apply for SCMR committee positions after the completion of leadership academy and exhibit strong commitment to the SCMR.


  • Four virtual sessions per year.
  • Two live sessions over two years, which will be aligned with the annual scientific session.
  • Ad-hoc meetings between participants and the SCMR leader mentor throughout the program.
  • Completion of a capstone project.

Financial support to the Leadership academy participants:

SCMR will not pay for any additional expenses (other than providing the in person and virtual curriculum designed by an executive educator with help of SCMR leaders). Participants will be responsible for the cost of travel and stay for the in-person meetings at the Annual Scientific session.

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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