Thank you for your interest in volunteering for SCMR.
Please complete the form below.
The Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) relies on a network of volunteers to accomplish its mission to improve cardiovascular health by advancing the field of CMR. By joining a committee, you’ll have the opportunity to actively contribute to advancing SCMR-led strategic objectives and programs, expand your network of colleagues, and provide insight and expertise.
We are looking for volunteers from different backgrounds and are committed to ensure diversity in all our committees to include members from wide geographic areas (US and non-US), women and other minorities in medicine, and different career stages.
If you are interested in volunteering to serve as a committee member, please complete the application below and identify how your skills and background would add value to a specific SCMR committee scope of work.
Committee applications are due 1 November 2023. You will be notified before the SCMR annual scientific sessions whether you have been selected and will receive more information regarding next steps. If you are selected, you will be expected to:
- Serve on that committee for a two-year term
- Participate in regular committee conference calls (and in-person committee meetings at conference if in attendance)
- Maintain your SCMR membership throughout your term
- Assist in accomplishing the tasks assigned via the committee
To be eligible, you must be a member in good standing – to pay your dues, click here.
- Committee terms are February 2024 – February 2026.
- Committee terms are two years, and committee members can serve one additional consecutive three-year term.
- For more information, please refer to Article VIII in the SCMR Bylaws.
- Frequency: Each committee meets at minimum twice a year, but some meet as frequently as monthly, every other month, or quarterly
- Location: Teleconference/Video Conferenceand some committees during SCMR annual meeting